Tuesday,February 26,8:03pm/ 8:03 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This is something that occured me not long ago.I was just wondering if we(the whole GPS bunch of people) were to be together for 1 whole day as a class studying(including P.E) secondary school's lessons,how will it be like?1 whole day of lessons..I'm sure it'd be fun and I have forgotten how it was studying together,getting ready for exams,slacking after exams.Those feelings,I'm guessing that I might never be able to have them again as they are so unique,so 1 of a kind.Hoping that we can have chance to have a lesson as 6/2(maybe with some people from other class) for a day again.What about you? Still missing you people around =/

Thusday,February 21,2008/ 10:17 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm the only one blogging again >.< but nvm.Just to tell you that I've posted on my blog about me getting sick and the timing and date of the time I might be going to watch the movie .Finished my school's common test,how about you?

Monday,February 4,2008/ 9:00 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm posting again for now lol.Firstly,want to ask who is going to Aliff's party on this Wednesday,6 of Feb?All I know about the party is that you can come to his house before 3 pm entry is free!(To friends in GPS only).Secondly,was wondering that if we are going to the party,what about going to GPS and visit the teachers?Can the Griffithsians who is reading this post kindly leave what time they are free/when are they coming back to GPS this Wednesday on the chat box? Thanks.The time set is at 12pm,outside GPS's staffroom.I will keep you people updated by posting on this class blog till this Wednesday.

HI! This blog is owned by 6/2'07 of Griffiths Primary School. Although we went to different schools, we will still be friends forever.
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